Yesterday, 20090817. was the first day getting to use Velib! You see, it has taken some time to get things coordinated once I finally made the decision to go ahead and sign up. 1 year subscription for 29,00 Euro. Not too bad considering that 10 tickets on the Metro now cost 17,20 Euro.
I received the letter in the mail announcing that I simply had to activate my card and subscription. Not too bad. Easy enough. So, I brought the letter to the office to make sure I understood everything. I wanted to make sure I was doing everything correctly. But for some reason, it didn't work. I thought activated it. But when I put my card on the reader, it buzzed at me, showed a lovely color of red on the indicator light, then went back to green. Not releasing the bicycle. Going to the Metro didn't help either. They aren't Velib, you know. I would have to call them directly.
Now this has been a month long project. I'm a little excited to get on the bike and ride. Granted, I can simply purchase another ticket and ride off down the street. But what fun would that be when I have already paid for an entire year? It's only 1,00 Euro, Jeff. Come on. You are so cheap! That's really not the point now, is it? I can wait another day.
The following day, I ask a co-worker of mine to help me out. He graciously accepts. That afternoon, we call Velib and walk through the registration information. It turns out that the NAVIGO card information was incorrect. After being updated with the correct information, the card was immediately available!
So, after work, I walked over to the nearest Velib station, put my NAVIGO card down, and magic had indeed occurred. The lights turned green and a different, more position sound occurred. I was ready to pull out the bicycle.
With a yank. A another, stronger yank. Ok, something must be wrong here. Pull it out straight! Got it. The bicycle is out! I'm ready to head off down the street.
Now, I have been warned. Repeated warned about the streets of Paris. The traffic. The people walking out in front of the bicycles. Crazy things happening while the person is riding along. So, I plan to stay very alert. Always check your right. They have right of way. Cars are migger than you, stay away. But when you get on a bicycle, you remember what it is like to ride again. Off, down the street to the red light. Take a big left turn, across traffic and that big road. Everyone is watching. At least that is how I'm feeling. I don't mind.
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - downhill - a big, stupid grin on my face. I don't care. A big oaf like me, riding along. I'm having fun. I paid for it. I should enjoy it. And with it being a little warmer than usual, the breeze is really nice.
These bicycles are amazing. They are huge. Clunky. Quite heavy. Yet, 3 speeds. And that clunkiness seems to disappear and become sturdy. This is wonderful. I had so much fun riding home.
Then, I had to park the bicycle.
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